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Dear Educators and Learners,

Welcome to Tanghal

Tanghal is a National Theatre Festival that converges theatre practitioners in the country representing the sub-regions of Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, and NCR. It is also an opportunity for theatre artists/groups to share their vibrant stories, experiences, and respective cultural practices through performance and creative interactions.  

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Tanghal is the National Committee on Dramatic Arts' flagship project for National Arts Month. At its core, the festival brings together outstanding theater companies from around the country to showcase their theater forms and practices as a means of cultural and artistic exchange. One of Tanghal's main goals is to bring theater artists and groups together on a single stage to showcase their best works and paint a picture of the country's rich theater landscape.


Theater is a cultural phenomenon that prompts society to reflect on itself. It helps to promote social conversation, discussion, and the possibility of social change. Through theater, we provide possibilities and question the structures of how societies might be governed. Theater questions. Theater interrogates. Theater investigates. Theater discovers. This is the vision of Tanghal - to present the stories of the communities through theater.


Tanghal has moved to an online platform in the last two years to conform with the pandemic's health and safety protocols. We observe how Filipino theater artists have migrated to online platforms to continue their creative works by using digital technologies. This resulted in the emergence of hybrid shows that mix conventional theater traditions with digital technology techniques. In these difficult times, we continue to see the combined efforts of seasoned theater practitioners and young artists to create theater works in order to be relevant in these difficult times. Collaboration has always been at the heart of Philippine theater works, especially prior to the beginning of the pandemic. Tanghal has ushered in a new model of collaboration in the new normal. The pandemic has prohibited face-to-face events. However, this situation did not deter theater artists from being innovative and speaking out through their works during the time of COVID.


May our Tanghal offerings continue to inspire creativity and artistry among the Filipino people, especially the youth. May our creative works continue to help in the social transformation. Makilahok. Maki-Tanghal!

Felimon B. Blanco, PhD

Head, NCCA Committee on Dramatic Arts

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Trunkline: (02) 8527-2217 to 18 8527-2192 8527-2202 8527-2210 8527-2195 to 97
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8 am – 7 pm

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